Become a Change-Maker Organization

Green Certification
How it works: One of our Sustainability Ambassadors will work with your team to help certify your organization and facility as a Green Business.
Creating high-class events and atmosphere for employees, artists, patrons and alike.
Water and energy efficiency to cut electricity bills by 25%.
Significantly reducing waste, while increasing positive impact for the planet.
Long term savings!

Partner with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
AEP is committed to supporting (amplifying, assisting, working with) Arts and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Agencies, and Organizations.
Whether it is a project or event that aligns with our mission, AEP offers tax-exempt status to strategic partners. This allows for donations received by the other group to be fully tax deductible for donors.
As an established IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization we are accepting Fiscal Sponsorship Requests on an on-going basis.
For more information on how to use AEP as your fiscal sponsor / receiver please reach out to: info@ArtsEarthPartnership.Org with the Subject Line: Fiscal Receiver Request.